
The Hallowed Ones


The Hallowed Ones


Laura Bickle

3.5 out of 5 stars

Katie is on the verge of her Rumspringa, the time in Amish life when teenagers can get a taste of the real world. But the real world comes to her in this dystopian tale with a philosophical bent. Rumors of massive unrest on the “Outside” abound. Something murderous is out there. Amish elders make a rule: No one goes outside, and no outsiders come in. But when Katie finds a gravely injured young man, she can’t leave him to die. She smuggles him into her family’s barn—at what cost to her community?

What got me into reading this book was the premise of vampires among the Amish. I thought that for now non-so-original-topic it was fairly original. The story is fast passed without it feeling hurried, the suspense is ever present, it feels well researched and the character reactions accurate.

The members of an Amish community found themselves in the middle of an apocalypse without knowing so; when things change (and fast) the elders decide to forbid everyone from going out and not allowing strangers inside, in order to keep their community safe. Katie knowing something is wrong decided to venture into the outside only to find out ruthless creatures are tearing the world apart.  This book is gory, and I didn't think it would be, I read it at night, and have to admit I got the creeps, but then people around me claims I am a scaredy cat. 

The Hallowed Ones also has many religious references but it is understandable since the main character (Katie) is a young Amish girl, so it suits the story yet it doesn't make it less or more likable, it is understandable the religious undertone is meant to be present due to the role that the Amish culture plays in this book.

Overall I enjoyed the Hallowed Ones and will certainly give its sequel a try

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