top 5 wednesdays

TW5: Fictional Items You Want


We are so excited about this week's topic! We've had many full and in-depth conversations about items we've read that we would love to own so here is our top 5!

· Kell's Jacket
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
Can you say "unlimited wardrobe"? Yeah, how awesome would that be?! You always have the perfect jacket to match any outfit you can think of. Just turn it once, twice, maybe three times and voilá! On the other hand, you can no longer use the excuse that you have nothing to wear. Also, you can hide things in it and only you know where they are and how to get them. We think this would be the perfect thing to wear to the movies and not have to pay $10 dollars for a small box of popcorn. 

· Hermione's Time Turner
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling
This is a procrastinators dream! Didn't work all weekend and have a huge project due on Monday? No worries! Take the weekend off! Finish that book you haven't been able to put down, catch up on all your TV shows. Then on Sunday, grab your Time Turner, go back two days and work this time.

As designers, we often wish we had more time; more time to develop the idea, more time to do the research, more time to make it perfect. We could really benefit from having a magical device that would allow us to take a full day to think about the concept without having to produce and then go back to that same day with the idea already figured out and just concentrate on the actual work. 

Of course there is also all the "wish I could take that back" moments that inevitably happen in life? That a pretty obvious and useful benefit from having a Time Turner. 

· Will's Knife
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman
Obviously doesn't have a real life application (as far as we know), but wouldn't it be awesome if it did?! How cool would it be to be able to open interdimensional windows and visit other worlds?! More importantly, we could open a window into Lyra's world and meet our daemons! Just make sure you close all the windows you open, don't want any Dust fluctuating between worlds. 

· Karou's Wish Necklace
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
We're talking about the Scuppy necklace. Each bead is a wish. The least powerful of all the wishes, but that's only because they require very little pain as payment, and we are OK with that. With a Scuppy we could change the color of our hair without having to go to the salon, or do our nails, or wish our legs hairless (ok TMI on that one). You could wish the dishes clean, the bed made, or disappear that stain from the shirt you love. Talk about making daily life easier! 

· Raffe's Angel Sword
Angelfall by Susan Ee
This would be the ultimate self-defense weapon. It's a sword with a personality! It will accept you and be attached to you and nobody else can pick it up. That's right! So nobody can ever use your own weapon against you. It can never be stolen and it is ultra powerful, not even an Angel can heal from this sword's wounds. This might also be our Zombie Apocalypse dream weapon.

Read you next time,

*T5W was created by Lainey from GingerReadsLainey.

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