top 5 wednesdays

T5W: Best Suggested Books You Loved


We thought we'd make it a tad bit more specific and list our top five books that we recommended to each other. Some of these were the first in a series and one of us started reading and loving it first, quickly recommending it to the other so we could finish the series together. We have very similar taste in books so we know what each other likes to read, other times, we come across a book that we just have to comment about so we recommend it to each other so we can gossip. Here they are:

· The Martian by Andy Weir
Recommended to Gphx Geek by Miss Phi
I was in a reading slump when Miss Phi recommended this book to get me out of it. I was a part of her experience when she was reading it because she would share passages with me that she knew I would enjoy. She was absolutely right! This was the book to get me back into reading. This novel could have been the most depressing story about survival had it not been for the absolutely fantastic character of Mark Watney. It's impossible not to love this book because of him. There's really nothing more to say except: “Maybe I’ll post a consumer review. “Brought product to surface of Mars. It stopped working. 0/10.”

· The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials #1) by Philip Pullman

Recommended to Miss Phi by Gphx Geek
I remember Gphx Geek lending me this entire series while we were in college, she told me it was one of her favorites and that I was really going to like it. I didn't start reading it right away -don't really remember why I was postponing it, graduation maybe?- but once I started it, I couldn't stop and ended up reading the whole series in less than a week, loved it to pieces. This series deals with complex themes such as the essence of life and how we are all connected to each other, other worlds and other beings, the corruption of those with power and how they censor the people in order to stay on top. This series is seriously underrated just because the main character happens to be a child, it is considered a middle grade read when it should be read by adults too.

· Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth
Recommended to Gphx Geek by Miss Phi
I was there when Miss Phi bought this book. In fact, it was the same trip to the bookstore when I bought Written in Red, funny how that worked out. I loved Divergent because the Dystopian theme was done very well. The characters were interesting and the story was captivating. I liked reading about the factions and imagining where I would fit in if I was to live in this society. It was really sad how this trilogy turned out; honestly, the first book was one of my favorites that year and I'm glad I got to read the other two with Miss Phi because Allegiant would have just been too painful to read by myself; not because of the ending, mind you, but because of how it just shattered the whole story and the characters were just broken down to some really weird superficial version of what they were in the first book.

· Written in Red (The Others #1) by Anne Bishop
Recommended to Miss Phi by Gphx Geek
I remember the day Gphx Geek bought Written in Red, I remember asking her to let me know if the book was any good since it didn't seem that appealing to me at that specific moment. By the time she finished reading it she was already living in the US and I was -and still am- living in Mexico, guess what happened next? She sent me the book! That was how much she wanted me to read it, she took the time to put it in the mail and sent it to me, to what I thought "wow, this book must be good", and it is, it is more than good, it is excellent. We continued on with the series, it became one of our all-time favorites and to this day, it is our buddy read of choice.

· Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1)
Recommended to Gphx Geek by Miss Phi
I distinctly remember there were two conversations about this. The first time Miss Phi told me about this book she was mid-way through it. She told me it was a really interesting read; it was a different take on good vs evil and she was really enjoying the story. She also mentioned how the friendship between Karou and Suzanna reminded her of us in college when we would go out for coffee and talk about projects (but with magic). I was instantly intrigued and bought the book. The second conversation happened after Miss Phi finished reading it and she said: "You don't understand, I can't read anything else! I am stuck in the world of the Chimeras and I need the second book like yesterday! You have to read it!". It was then that we decided we'd finish the series together and I immediately began reading the first book. She was right, I LOVED, I mean LOVED this book, and just like her, when I finished it, I could not read anything else except for the second installment of the trilogy because the world building was so beautifully done that I could not even consider entering another literary universe.

*T5W was created by Lainey from GingerReadsLainey.

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