About Miss Phi
Hello I'm
A 29-year-old visual information designer with a passion for reading.
I've always been a reader, since I was a child, but this year was different for me, this year I migrated from paper to digital books and with that a whole new world opened up to me, since ebooks are considerably cheaper than physical copies I have been able to acquire more books more often than I used to.
I prefer the feeling, weight and smell of paper instead of a tablet, but in my country paper books are more expensive -in comparison with some 1st world countries- and newer publications are harder -even impossible- to get, so I decided to be open minded about the new technologies (took me a while) and now ebooks are my new BFFs.
As I mentioned before, when I migrated to ebooks a lot of changes came with the transition, like been able to read more titles a month and hearing about authors I have never heard of before, so here I am now, re-discovering my passion for reading and sharing it with you.
I am not a writer nor I intend to be one. I speak 3 languages and English isn't my forte, so bare with me.